Surrey Police has sparked outrage after suggesting a fox that died during a New Year’s Eve hunt “ran into the path of dogs”.
The fox was found dead after a legal drag hunt in Godalming, Surrey, on December 31.
But when police were called, the Surrey force said: “It is understood the fox died after it ran into the path of dogs following a pre-laid trail in Godalming.”
Members of the public and animal rights group branded the explanation “wholly inadequate”, and called for a thorough investigation into the incident.
Guildford Hunt Monitors – also known as Guildford Hunt Saboteurs – were tracking the Surrey Union Hunt as it rode through Godalming on December 31.
A spokesman for the group said that at around 1pm one of its members noticed the hounds “had their heads in something”, and when the group arrived at the scene they found “a fox laying lifeless on the ground with hounds still attacking”.
The group took the fox, and claim there were “clearly large fresh puncture wounds” on its body.
They say they then took the animal to a vet, who wished to remain anonymous, but provided a verbal post mortem report saying the fox “had been killed by a large mammal, most likely a large dog with numerous puncture wounds to legs, throat and flank” as well as “massive trauma” to the rib cage.
Hunting a wild mammal with a dog is illegal under the Hunting Act.
However drag and trail hunting – where dogs follow an artificially laid scent – is allowed.

A spokesman for the Surrey Union Hunt said artificial trails had been laid for its hounds to follow on New Year’s Eve, and this was recorded on video.
They added: “We were operating completely within the law and we have co-operated fully with Surrey Police. In fact we reported the incident ourselves and regret if, as it appears, a fox crossed the path of the artificial trail and encountered the hounds.”
However, many people on Surrey Police’s Facebook page said officers had failed to look into the incident properly, while the League Against Cruel Sports described their response as “wholly inadequate”.
Kay Wagland wrote: “Your response to the killing of a fox by the Surrey Union Hunt on 31 December is incomprehensible. Do you really believe that a fox would run towards a noisy pack of hounds?”
Another, Rita Godfrey, wrote: “So the fox ran towards baying hounds, hunting horns and hunters? Are you serious?”
While Liz Cuff added: “Are we really supposed to think a fox committed suicide by running into a pack of hounds? Please do not insult our intelligence.”
Joe Duckworth, chief executive of the League Against Cruel Sports, said: “This horrific incident caused incredible suffering to the fox, which is why 80% of the public do not think hunting should be made legal again.
“The police response is wholly inadequate and leaves many unanswered questions about the actions of the hunt.
“This demonstrates why the Hunting Act needs to be made even stronger by making recklessness illegal so hunts cannot dodge responsibility for animal cruelty.”
When contacted by MirrorOnline today, Surrey Police said its investigation into the incident was at an “early stage” but was ongoing.
No arrests have been made.
Hunt Details
Source: Mirror