Police have issued a warning to Christopher Curtis, a ‘hunt steward’ with the Crawley and Horsham Hunt after harassing a hunt monitor.
Sergeant Philip of Sussex police stated: “I am of the opinion having viewed the footage that you were subject to harassment by way of Mr Curtis blocking you from carrying out lawful activity, in this case filming, in a public place. I have personally issued a harassment warning to him of which he has accepted.”

Landowner revokes hunt’s permission
And in a separate incident involving Curtis, a landowner has revoked the Crawley and Horsham hunt’s permission to go on their land.
The incident arose from the harassment tactics of Curtis on a public bridleway at Partridge Green last season. Curtis claimed to be acting “for the landowner”. However, following complaints to the West Sussex County Council’s Rights of Way officer, the council warned the landowner and provided a video of the behaviour. This resulted in the landowner revoking the hunts permission.
Hunt Details
Source: Cruelty Exposed