A north London man has been banned from keeping dogs for five years after he was convicted of training a dog to fight following an investigation by covert RSPCA inspectors.
Bilal Mohammed Aldeeb was convicted of dog fighting charges following a trial in which the court was shown horrific footage of the defendant goading dogs to fight in a yard believed to be somewhere in Jordan.
The 32-year-old (DOB: 25 Feb 1978) is clearly seen on the footage and at one point tries to continue a fight between two exhausted dogs, already covered in blood from their injuries, by pushing their heads together.
Aldeeb (pictured left in white tshirt), of Avenue Road, Southgate, could not be prosecuted for fighting the dogs in the footage as the incidents took place outside of England and Wales. However, he was today (24.8.2010) given the five year ban, ordered to carry out 200 hours unpaid work and must pay £500 costs after the footage was used to prove he had an interest in dog fighting.
He was convicted earlier this month (4.8.2010) of keeping and training a red and white pit bull terrier type dog named Rhino for use in connection with an animal fight. He was also found guilty of possession of a weighted collar, which is used to train dogs in connection with animal fighting. Both charges were brought under the Animal Welfare Act 2006. He had already admitted possession of a pit bull terrier type dog, contrary to section 1 of the Dangerous Dogs Act.
The court also issued a forfeiture order on the weighted collar and the tapes seized from Aldeeb’s home, as well as a destruction order on Rhino.
Chief inspector Mike Butcher, of the RSPCA’s special operations unit, said: “The footage seized from Aldeeb’s home was particularly graphic, but it also clearly showed him fighting dogs. Anyone who saw the film could have been in no doubt as to this man’s interest in illegal dog fighting.
“If anyone questions the brutality of dog fighting and the terrible cruelty these poor animals suffer at the hands of dog fighters, they only have to watch this footage to see the shocking reality.
“Just because this footage was filmed overseas, it doesn’t mean the RSCPA doesn’t take it seriously and we are delighted the court also appreciated the seriousness of Aldeeb’s actions and sentenced him accordingly.”
One charge against Aldeeb, of causing unnecessary suffering to Rhino by failing to provide the animal veterinary care for injuries caused by a fight with another animal, was dismissed by the court at an earlier hearing.
Source: RSPCA