Hunting with dogs - Hunting Act 2004

Natural England permit corvid slaughter

Natural England have controversially granted the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust a license to slaughter hundreds of corvids. This despite the fact that the GWCT have a vested interest in the outcome and already claim ‘that corvid control can contribute to the conservation of some, but not all, songbird species.

Natural England have controversially granted the Game andWildlife Conservation Trust a license to slaughter hundreds of corvids.

In January 2011 Songbird Survival announced the funding an £88,000 project with the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) aimed at intensive killing of magpies and crows in several areas of the UK. Against Corvid Traps challenged Natural England that the cull was contrary to the General Licence and as a result they concluded that a “project licence” was needed.

Within days Natural England rubber stamped the project licence despite the fact that the GWCT alreadyclaim that their research “shows that corvid control cancontribute to the conservation of some, but not all, songbird species.” The GWCT have a vested interest in the outcome of the ‘research’ as they are the shooting organisation that introduced Larsen traps to the UK and made big profits from their sale.

On what grounds Natural England permitted the slaughter is unknown but one thing is certain, the outcome of their research is worthless.

Source: Against Corvid Traps